The Most Exceptional Beauty and Fragrance Selections in the Entire World

Saturday Question: What Is Your Guerlain Fragrance? | Best Perfume 2020




Hello Fellow Fumies,

At APJ we have a Saturday Question. Everyone gets to chime in with an answer, chat with other responders and it’s a fun event each week. Taking sides never means taking offence and everyone keeps it respectful and light, even though we can sometimes trawl the depths.

The idea is you’ll see it on the weekend or chime in through the week. Hopefully you will come back regularly and see if anyone has responded to your comment and you can reply to them. The aim is to generate real conversation and connection even though we are scattered around the globe.

Over 100 responses I will draw a Secret Scent Sample Pack (from my collection)

Last Weeks Winner: j.d.

eMail me at (portia underscore turbo at yahoo dot com dot au) with your address please

Looking around my collection I realised that there are more bottles of Guerlain than any other house. Sure, a bunch of them are replications but five boxes and a drawer are all marked Guerlain. From early vintage extracts all the way through to the Absolus d’Orient collection and just about everywhere in between. There are bee bottles from one litre, a green and the many bees now available in department stores. My favourite flacon is the gold thatch cigarette lighter design spray extrait and I buy them whenever I see them for a decent price. The cute extrait squares that are shop testers, the old styles and the new. It got me thinking. Which is my favourite……

My Answer:

The easy answer would be Shalimar because it’s been with me long before my descent into perfumistahood but though it is the grande dame of my collection and one of the most perfect scents of all time I tend to reach most often for something else.

Mitsouko by Guerlain 1919

This is the Guerlain I reach for most, Any iteration of this beauty is worthy of my skin time. EdC, EdT, EdP or Extrait, I wear them all with gay abandon. Over time I’ve built up quite a collection. It’s darkly sweet chypre is always new and beautiful. It feels like it was made for me alone. Wears amazingly in all weathers and adjusts itself to fit any situation. Depending on application amounts not can be discrete or showstopper.

Also, it wears very differently on everyone I know that uses it, same basic product but so much nuance. I’m often caught out asking my friends, and even the off person at the theatre, what that alluring scent is they’re sporting.

Of course, as in everything, this is subject to change at a moments notice.

What Is Your Guerlain Fragrance?

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